Simplifying Air Quality Compliance with ECA LLC

Simplifying air quality compliance



Navigating the regulatory landscape of the Clean Air Act (CAA) is crucial for businesses across the United States. Environmental Compliance Assistance (Environmental Compliance Assistance LLC) is here to make this complex journey easier for you.


Understanding the Clean Air Act

The CAA, or simply the Act, influences almost every facet of economic activity in the U.S. Enforced by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), it establishes national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) to safeguard public health and welfare. The Act sets regulations for monitoring air toxins, mandates operating permits for major pollution sources, and requires states to develop enforceable plans for achieving and maintaining air quality standards.


Key CAA Provisions

The CAA addresses various aspects, including curbing pollution from motor vehicles and industrial plants. It demands new stationary sources to employ the best available technology while allowing flexibility for existing sources.


ECA LLC’s Expertise

As a leader in air quality services, Environmental Compliance Assistance (ECA LLC) stands out. Our team, comprising professional engineers, chemists, scientists, and technicians, brings a wealth of experience. We’ve successfully executed New Source Performance Standards (NSPS)/Emission Guidelines (EG) and Title V projects at numerous landfills and industrial facilities.


Landfill Air Quality Services

ECA LLC specializes in landfill air quality, focusing on Landfill Gas (LFG) emissions and Gas Collection and Control Systems (GCCS). We provide end-to-end services, including testing, system design, installation, and ongoing operations.


Services Offered

Caa expertise


ECA LLC offers a comprehensive suite of air quality services, including:

– Permitting Support
– NSR and PSD applicability reviews
– Title V and state operating permits
– RACT/BACT/LAER analyses
– Compliance Assistance
– GHG inventories and compliance
– NSPS/NESHAP/MACT compliance
– Air compliance audits
– Performance Testing
– Air quality monitoring
– IAQ surveys
– Atmospheric tracer studies
– Design
– LFG system engineering and design
– GIS design and support services
– Control Technology Analysis
– Contractor and vendor prequalification
– Bid package review and recommendation


Landfill-Specific Tasks

At ECA LLC, we specialize in tasks specific to landfills, making compliance a seamless process for you. From NSPS Tier 1 NMOC emission modeling to Tier 2 testing, our experienced team ensures precision in every detail. Our expertise extends to Gas Collection and Control System (GCCS) design and operation, guaranteeing optimal functionality.

We offer more than standard services; our proficiency includes surface emission monitoring, and we provide expert witness support. With ECA LLC, you can trust that your landfill operations are in capable hands, ensuring compliance and environmental responsibility every step of the way.


ECA LLC’s CAA Expertise

At Environmental Compliance Assistance (ECA LLC), we pride ourselves on being leaders in adapting to evolving air quality regulations. Our extensive experience not only helps us meet current compliance requirements but also positions us to anticipate and respond to future regulatory changes.

As new air quality standards emerge, ECA LLC is ready to offer a range of additional services. Our proactive approach ensures that our clients are well-prepared for upcoming environmental standards. With a knowledgeable team and a commitment to staying informed, we continuously update our practices to incorporate the latest advancements in air quality regulations.

ECA LLC is more than a compliance service; we’re a strategic partner. We provide insights, strategies, and solutions to not only meet existing regulatory demands but also prepare your operations for future environmental responsibilities. In a dynamic regulatory landscape, partnering with ECA LLC means securing a trusted ally dedicated to keeping your business ahead of the curve.



Partner with Environmental Compliance Assistance LLC 

Simplify your air quality compliance journey by partnering with Environmental Compliance Assistance (ECA LLC). We bring expertise, experience, and a commitment to making your operations environmentally compliant and stress-free. Contact us today, and let’s navigate the complexities of air quality regulations together!Contact us now…!!!

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Navigating Air Quality Compliance



Welcome to the world of Clean Air and Environmental Compliance Assistance (ECA LLC). We’re here to break down the complexities, offer practical solutions, and make air emissions and permitting a breeze.

Understanding the Clean Air Act (CAA) by navigating Air Quality Compliance


Let’s kick things off by unraveling the Clean Air Act. It’s a comprehensive set of rules ensuring that major sources of air pollution stay on the right track. At ECA LLC, we specialize in helping industrial, commercial, and institutional clients understand how the ECA  impacts their operations.

Our Air Emissions and Permitting Journey

Here’s a sneak peek into the fantastic services we offer at ECA LLC:

1. NSR and PSD Permitting

New Source Review (NSR) and Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) permitting can sound like jargon, but fear not – we’re here to guide you through it effortlessly.

2. State and Local Permitting 

Navigating the state and local permitting landscape is our forte. Whether it’s crunching emissions calculations or acing permit negotiations, consider it done.

3. NSPS and EG Rules 

Compliance with New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) and Emission Guidelines (EG) rules is a cakewalk with ECA LLC by your side.

4. NESHAP/MACT Compliance 

National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) and Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) compliance is our playground. We even nail those Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction (SSM) Plans.

5. Title V Operating Permits 

Title V Operating Permits can be a bit overwhelming, but we simplify the process for you. Let’s make it crystal clear.

Air emissions inventories 

6. Air Emissions Inventories 

We’re pros at preparing air emissions inventories. Whether it’s VOCs, NOx, or GHGs, we crunch the numbers accurately without breaking the bank.

7. Air Quality Assessments 

Our team, armed with state-of-the-art methodologies, ensures advanced air quality field testing services. Compliance auditing, emissions inventories, risk assessments – you name it, we handle it.


8. Emission Reduction Credit/Greenhouse Gas Credit Services 

We’re not just about compliance; we’re also involved in Emission Reduction Credit (ERC) projects. From traditional offsets to GHG credits, we’ve got the expertise.

9. Emissions Source Testing and Sampling 

Quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) is our mantra when overseeing emissions source testing. We’ve got a handle on stack emissions and more.

10. Air Permitting Made Easy 

Air permitting can be a maze, but not for us. We’re seasoned experts, making sure your permit applications are complete and accurate.

11. Landfill Air Emissions and Permitting 

Landfill air quality is a niche we excel in. We’ve worked on countless projects, building strong relationships with regulatory bodies and providing tailored solutions.

12. Streamlining Compliance Tasks with ECA ToolsTM 

Compliance doesn’t have to be tedious. Our ECA ToolsTM system streamlines monitoring, record-keeping, and reporting, making life easier for you.

State and local permitting 

13. Title V Permitting 

Title V permits are our playground. We guide you through the compliance process, from emission modeling to negotiating permit issuance.

14. State and Local Permitting 

Expanding or constructing facilities? We’re your go-to for state and local permitting, no matter where you are.

15. Dealing with Appeals and Variances 

Disagreements happen, and we’re here to prepare appeals and variances to address any compliance situation. Protecting your facility is our priority.

Connecting the Dots

If you’re seeking a reliable partner to streamline and simplify your air quality compliance journey, Environmental Compliance Assistance (ECA LLC) is here for you. Our dedicated team is ready to collaborate with you, ensuring that your operations remain not only compliant but also stress-free. Take the next step towards effortless compliance – reach out to us today! We’re just a phone call away, standing by to support your environmental needs and contribute to your operational success. Trust ECA LLC to be your dependable ally in navigating the complexities of air quality regulations. Contact us now and let’s embark on this journey together! Contact us now…!!!

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Who needs an air pollution permit?

Facilities with equipment that may emit air pollution or is used for controlling air pollution are subject to permit requirements.  The District grants two types of permits:

  • Authority to Construct
  • Permit to Operate

Examples of Equipment Needing Permits

  • Internal combustion engines greater than 50 hp
  • Boilers and steam generators
  • Mixing, blending, or processing of any organic solvents, adhesives, or coatings
  • Operations creating dust or smoke or involving incineration of any material
  • Metal reclamation or refining of any liquids or solids
  • Storage or use of solvents or motor fuels (except diesel)
  • Storage or use of acids
  • Operations involving chemical reactions
  • Equipment handling asbestos, beryllium, hexavalent chromium, mercury, vinyl chloride, fluorides, sulfuric acid mist, and hydrogen sulfide or other sulfur compounds


More examples of Equipment Needing Permits

  • Use of solvents for cleanup
  • Asphalt batch plants
  • Auto body shops
  • Wood products coating
  • Solid waste disposal
  • Organic liquid storage
  • Solvent cleaners (degreasers)
  • Concrete batch plants
  • Metal parts coating/plating
  • Plastic parts coating/plating
  • Sand and Gravel operations
  • Oil/gas drilling
  • Oil/gas production
  • Cotton gins
  • Gasoline stations
  • Feed and grain mills
  • Paint spray booths
  • Dry cleaners
  • Canning operations
  • Check more of our services by clicking on the following link

What is New Source Review (NSR)?

New sources of air pollution and modifications of existing sources must comply with District Rule 2201 (New and Modified Source Review), also known as New Source Review or NSR.  This rule is a component of Regulation II of our District Rule.  The NSR rule provides the mechanism for the District to issue permits to new and expanding businesses without interfering with efforts to meet the state and federal health-based air quality standards.  NSR contains a couple of main requirements – BACT and Offsets.



How does the District regulate toxic air emissions?

Toxic air emissions are regulated under the District’s Integrated Air Toxic Program. This program integrates the state and federal requirements and is aimed at protecting public health.  The major goals of this program are as follows:

1) Assuring compliance with State and Federal requirements aimed at protecting public health;

2) Eliminating duplication and redundancy by consolidating requirements where multiple rules, programs, and emission limits apply to a single operation;

3) Maximizing the use of existing programs for quantifying, assessing, and controlling air toxic emissions;

4) Maximizing the use of the District’s existing ozone and PM10 regulations that also result in air toxic emissions reductions;

5) Maximizing the use of the District’s existing permitting, inspection, and emission inventory systems to minimize the burden of State and Federal recordkeeping and reporting requirements; and

6) Not Federalizing “State-only” requirements unless doing so provides a corresponding benefit by substantially streamlining the program.

What is the Air Toxic Hot Spots Act?

The Air Toxic Hot Spots Act was a law adopted by the California State Legislature in 1987. This Law required the District to compile an emissions inventory of air toxic emissions, evaluate and assess the inventory for possible health risks facilities may pose to the general public, and notify those individuals who may be exposed to health risks.

What facilities are subject to the Air Toxic Hot Spots Requirements?

A facility is subject to Air Toxic Hot Spots Requirements if it 1) emits more than ten tons per year of Total Organic Gases, Particulate Matter, Nitrogen Oxides, or Oxides of Sulfur; or 2) belongs to a source category identified in the State Emission Inventory Criteria and Guidelines Report.

What must facility operators subject to Air Toxic Hot Spots requirements do to report their emissions?

Facilities that are subject to the toxic emission inventory requirements of the Hot Spots Act must prepare and submit toxic emission inventory plans and reports, and periodically update those reports. District technical services staff in the District’s Fresno Office are available to assist in this process.



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